On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 03:27:16PM -0500, Steven Lembark wrote: > > > portage must be in C and statically linked. > > Seems to argue in favor of a statically-linked dynamic language: The > runtime compiler can be static with install scripts being a bit more > malleable.
The core of portage should be in C, imho. But it can be extendable with hooks written in something simple like a bash. It mustn't be a solid binary. It can be splitted into separate parts with strict definitions of interaction and interface. > Main issue I can see with C is that most people today don't know how > to manage memory; not enough of us left who really understand how > malloc works :-) :-D This shouldn't be a problem, because developers of extension modules/hooks(if they choose C for this) will use a something like libportage with util and wrapper functions which will hide all mallocs. -- Олег Неманов (Oleg Nemanov)