On 24 Apr 2020, at 18:37, Caveman Al Toraboran <toraboracave...@protonmail.com> wrote: > > On Friday, April 24, 2020 8:30 PM, inasprecali <inasprec...@disroot.org> > wrote: > >> There is no rational reason for the core of Portage to be written in >> C. > > curious.. are you also cool if busybox was written > in python?
The argument for a statically linked C portage is really two arguments: one about linking and a separate though slightly related argument about language choice. Regarding the statically linked argument: while there is some justification for eliminating dependencies, unless and until your statically linked portage is going to include a minimal C computer capable of bootstrapping gcc and a toolchain, you are still going to have to deal with the risk of external components breaking. Regarding the argument about language: portage should be written in whatever language the portage writers are most comfortable with. The benefits of any individual language are really going to be less than the benefits of a tool that mostly works with developers who are willing to support it.