On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 05:20:23PM +0200, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On 23 April 2020 11:26:08 CEST, lego12...@yandex.ru wrote:
> >I know about it. I didn't understand why in usual case we need to
> >do everytime emerge -e, instead of emerge -uND. But if we talk about os
> >developer - it's clear(but why *everytime* emerge -e?).
> Because  normal emerge ends up being similar to an "emerge -e" if everything 
> is statically linked as everything needs to be rebuild, not just the 
> dependencies.

I understand. But why we talk about "emerge -e", if we don't talk about
"everything is statically linked", just about some packages,
concretely - portage.

And i don't think that "emerge -uND == emerge -e" even if everything is
statically linked and some package like openssl is changed. Yes, this is
larger packages set, than with dynamic linking, but not all. But in any
case it doesn't matter, because nobody talk about "everything is statically

Олег Неманов (Oleg Nemanov)

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