On Saturday, 22 February 2020 18:14:04 GMT Jack wrote:
> On 2020.02.22 04:14, Roger J. H. Welsh wrote:
> [snip ....]
> > On another note, I don't see the "keymaps" rc-service when I use
> > rc-status. Is there any chance it is loaded before the other
> > services? Or alternatively, is there any way to set it as the first
> > service that starts? Does anyone listening know?
> It seems that by default, rc-status does not show boot or sysinit
> runlevels.  You can try "rc-status --all".   For me, keymaps is in the
> boot runlevel.  There might also be services not explicitly in any
> runlevel, but started because they are a required for some other
> service.

Or you can just 'ls -l /etc/runlevels/*/keymaps'.


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