On 2020.02.18 15:51, Roger J. H. Welsh wrote:
Hi Jack,
I just looked at the comments in my /etc/rc.conf.
`less /etc/rc.conf`
Jack <ostrof...@users.sourceforge.net> writes:
I'm not the OP, but I recently had a similar situation - total
freeze early during the boot process. What I wanted was a way to
get that rc_interactive="YES" behavior - but by doing something at
boot time.
rc_interactive means I can press "I" or "i" during boot and INTERRUPT
the boot process; *otherwise* it will boot as per normal.
Is that not the behaviour you are seeking? OR is that not the
behaviour you get?
I'm not sure if you got my point. Most of the time, I don't need that
option. When I do need it, I discover that fact because the system
won't boot into a usable state. I can boot into a live CD, edit
rc.conf, then reboot again. My desire is to be able to get that
interactive boot by doing something at boot time, so I don't have to
reboot twice. However, on reading that explanation again, and more
slowly, and more carefully, and actually absorbing it, I finally see
that setting rc_interactive="YES" won't really have any effect on
normal boot, but only if I press i or I at boot time - so I will have
to try that. Thanks for poking me in the right direction.
Also to note:
rc_parallel="yes" may cause the boot process to lock up.
(I wonder if that has been causing some of these boot freezes.)
I hadn't considered that, and it might well be relevant, but in all my
own cases, I was able to find a single service which was causing the
rc_interactive="yes" is DISABLED (automatically), if rc_parallel is
set to "yes".
Best of luck