
On Wednesday, 2020-02-19 09:51:20 +1300, you wrote:

> ...
> rc_interactive means I can press "I" or "i" during boot and 
> the boot process; *otherwise* it will boot as per normal.
> Is that not the behaviour you are seeking?

Speaking not for the original poster but only for me:

In a mathematical sense it surely is,  because the interactive interface
you are confronted with allows you not to start any services you're dis-
liking.  In a practical sense it surely requires more than patience, be-
cause for each and every service available  the user will be prompted to
enter a number:

   1. Start this sevice.
   2. Skip this service.
   3. Start all remaining services.
   4. Start a privileged shell.

So instead of pressing the "1" key umpteen times (plus one time too oft-
en, ARGH :-) it's probably really easier to boot from a live CD.

And the privileged shell offered here  is also restricted  in that it is
only usable for the  minority of 330 million people  using a US keyboard
layout,  while the vast  majority of  7.4 billion people  NOT using a US
keyboard layout will most probably not even manage  to enter their pass-
word :-(


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