Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2018-01-05 15:04, Dale wrote:
>> Without this, I'll have to copy and paste all the links I want to
>> open. That is just not a good option.  No matter which way I go,
>> something is broken.
> You can write a script that takes the contents of the clipboard [1],
> possibly makes sure it is a valid URL, and then runs firefox with that
> arg the way you want (ie. specific profile and new tab inside existing
> instance, I'm sure firefox can do it if palemoon can).
> Then bind the script to a short key sequence using your favorite desktop
> environment method.  Now, to follow a link from from thunderbird, do
> "Copy Link Location" from the context menu, then type the key sequence.
> It is longer than a single click, but not prohibitively so, IMO.
> [1] the xclip program is handy for that

Well, I switched back to Seamonkey.  At this point, I may just have to
find a new password tool to use.  LastPass did all I wanted and then
some but since it no longer works in Seamonkey, I've got to find
something that will.  I still have the problem of some sites not working
but that doesn't happen to often. 


:-)  :-) 

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