
I have been using Seamonkey as my main web browser and email program for
many years.  Thing is, some sites either don't work right or won't load
at all.  Those same sites work fine in Firefox.  Just the other day,
LastPass started acting weird and I had to remove it.  My plan was to
remove it and then reinstall it, hopefully with a newer version or it
would fix some weird corruption problem.  Well, Seamonkey is no longer
supported.  It won't install at all now. 

Given some of the problems, one recent and some long term, I'm thinking
of switching to Thunderbird and Firefox and removing Seamonkey
completely.  I'm not concerned with Firefox as my browser as I do use it
for certain things.  I know I can export and import my bookmarks and
such and it should be easy.  My concern is moving my emails from
Seamonkey to Thunderbird.  I have tens of thousands of emails going back
a looooong ways.  I've googled and haven't been able to find anything
recent that talks about doing this.  I suspect it will be easy, either a
export and import or just a hand copy from Seamonkey to Thunderbird.  It
may be that it would use the same directory Seamonkey uses and just
works.  That said, I'd like to see if anyone has done this in say the
past year or so since that should work the same, barring some huge
change I'm not aware of. 

Has anyone moved from Seamonkey to Thunderbird recently?  Anyone know of
a howto that I missed?  Anyone know of a reason this just won't work?

Thanks much. 


:-)  :-) 

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