Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> [[[SNIP]]]
> Has anyone moved from Seamonkey to Thunderbird recently?  Anyone know of
> a howto that I missed?  Anyone know of a reason this just won't work?
> Thanks much. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

After no one replied, I figured either no one ever did this or it must
be really simple and easy.  I took the plunge and started up
Thunderbird.  The first thing that loaded up was a question on if I'd
like to import my old Seamonkey emails.  I answered Yes and it did its
thing.  Given the huge number of emails I have going back over a decade,
it took a while. 

I will add this for future reference.  Before asking it to download new
messages from your email provider, click through each and every folder
and make sure the messages show up in the listing.  I didn't do that at
first and when it checked in and tried to download the new messages, it
gave a error and left it in the default folder.  Also, when you do that,
expect some messages to be marked as unread.  I just right clicked the
folder and told it to mark all as read, since I already have.  I'm not
sure but I think it may do that on messages that were deleted and were
downloaded again or something.  It could be something else tho.  I don't
generally delete messages. 

I would think this would work the same on any Linux distro.  May even
work on windows as well. 

Now to figure out how to tell Thunderbird to open links in Firefox and
which profile as well.  It wants to open in Seamonkey and picks a
profile that is already open which gives the usual error about it being
in use.  Hmmmmm. 


:-)  :-) 

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