Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> I am getting quite frustrated over such a simple thing. Now, I have three USB 
> storage devices: a USB flash disk, a mobile phone and a camera. I want those 
> to automount with my users permissions. They now mounts under /media/usbdisk 
> with root permissions. Where on earth do I find the configuration files? I´ve 
> checked /etc/hal, /etc/dbus-1, /etc/udev, /etc/ivman, but no where is there a 
> simple file where I can say "ok, all /dev/sd* will be mounted automatilcy 
> under /media/usbdisk* with gid=users, uid=whatever, umask=0077". 
> It drives me nuts. I did search the, but all I found was 
> some unsolved threads. Anyone have any ideas? 
> This is what my fstab lookslike with the USB flash disk automounted:
> /dev/sde1               /media/usbdisk          ext3    
> user,exec,noauto,noatime,sync,managed 0 0

The fstab is updated by hald. And the entry looks ok (it has the "user"
option), except that I would remove "sync" for flash disks, as it will
kill them in no time.

> and ls -la /media/ gives:
> drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 Jan  7  2005 usbdisk
> and thats my big problem. If I chmod/chown the folder it will not be saved 
> till next time I mount the disk (that´s not suprising).

This is due to having root mount the disk. Your user actually would have
the permissions to mount it, but it's root that's doing the job.

The program actually doing the mount is ivman. You seem to be running it
as root (probably started in the default runlevel, check with
rc-status). Try running ivman as a normal user, for example by adding a
symlink to the ivman binary in ~/.kde/Autostart (not sure about the
location) so that it is started when you log in (if you use kde), and
copy your ivman configuration to ~/.ivman. As it will then run as your
user, it will also mount disks with your permissions.

-- Remy

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