On Fri, 7 Oct 2005 20:05:22 +0200, Andreas Karlsson wrote:

> Thanks. I tried it, but it didn´t work. ivman is running, but whenever
> I plug in a USB-device, it is not automounted. 

Are you running ivman as a user as well as root? ISTR you are supposed to
run two copies.

> If I do a
> 'mount /media/usbdisk' as root it mounts. So this leads me to think
> that there are some major permission problems somewhere, but I don´t
> know where to look.

Naturally, because you are mounting as root. fstab-sync is evil anyway,
mounting with pmount is much nicer, and mounts as the current user.

Which desktop are you using?

Neil Bothwick

Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach. Those who cannot teach, HACK!

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