On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 08:37:31 +0200
Andreas Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 07 October 2005 23.36, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > On Fri, 7 Oct 2005 20:05:22 +0200, Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> > > Thanks. I tried it, but it didn´t work. ivman is running, but
> > > whenever I plug in a USB-device, it is not automounted.
> >
> > Are you running ivman as a user as well as root? ISTR you are
> > supposed to run two copies.
> I´ve tried to run it as both root and a regular users.
> >
> > Naturally, because you are mounting as root. fstab-sync is evil
> > anyway, mounting with pmount is much nicer, and mounts as the
> > current user.
> I´ll give pmount a try.  Does that mean I can get rid of ivman?
> > Which desktop are you using?
> KDE 3.4.2. 
> Best regards,
> Andreas Karlsson
This trio (dbus-hal-ivman) works for me, not always tough.
IIRC one of them depends on 'dnotify' which is a kernel-patch, included
in gentoo-sources at least. As 'dnotify' changes frequently (for new
kernels) the stable dbus-hal-ivman doesn't work with 2.6.13, but the
testing (~x86) work OK. It's logical as 2.6.12-rX is still the stable
one (i'm with 2.6.13 now).
Warning: don't use this with vfat-fs (USB-pens) as it can damage them
- sync option used (workaround needed, then things work).
Search/read for more info, my experince here.

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