At Friday, 1. Juli 2016, 01:27:37 CEST wrote Daniel Campbell:
> Most of us know about the games.eclass history. Let's put that aside;
> I'm looking for user consensus on packages that use(d) games.eclass.
> 1. Do you take advantage of games.eclass features, including restricting
> game access to a given group and installing games outside of /usr and/or
> on different media?
Yes, I do use the games.eclass (or did it with EAPI=5) for installing all 
games at least into a different subdirectories than default $PATH. In addition 
I use a different user “games“ with $HOME=/home/games. This has its origins 
primarily in my personal way of data organisation & backups. All data that 
belong to any games which are „not packaged by portage“ (some games binaries, 
cached files, highscores, ...) are inside that home dir.

> 2. If yes, how do you feel about the removal of the eclass? Did you rely
> on its functionality? Does your use case require it?
I only used the eclass to separate games binaries and data from my main / to a 
different location where only the games user has acces to.

> 3. If yes, _what is your use case_? Which features are important to your
> use case wrt games and what can Gentoo do to improve that?
Honestly I didn’t really took a deeper look into all of games.eclass’s 
functions, because it was labeld deprecated shortly after I started using it.

> We cannot make concrete decisions without concrete evidence, so please
> answer and speak for your use case. This will serve as a public record
> of interest, and might even inspire a few people. :)
Great use ask the users - that’s how a community should work :)
> Thanks for your time,
Thanks for your call here ;)
> ~zlg

Nils Freydank, GnuPG: 0x44594171807206CF
holgersson at IRC/freenode

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