On 07/01/2016 12:34 PM, Terry Z. wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 4:27 AM, Daniel Campbell <z...@gentoo.org
> <mailto:z...@gentoo.org>> wrote:
>     Most of us know about the games.eclass history. Let's put that aside;
>     I'm looking for user consensus on packages that use(d) games.eclass.
>     1. Do you take advantage of games.eclass features, including restricting
>     game access to a given group and installing games outside of /usr and/or
>     on different media?
> I like the game group feature.  On a multiuser system it makes it fairly
> simplistic to ensure access goes to whom I want to have access to those
> games.  It also behaves similarly to other services which allow non root
> users to run things based on their group membership.
> I do not really care much about the ability to install outside of /usr,
> but I can see that being very useful.  Of course, a symlink can provide
> this same feature.

Could you share a little more about your use case? You mentioned
multi-user and restricting based on group membership. Do you have
children that you don't want playing specific games, is this a work

The more information, the merrier. With the removal of games.eclass,
this case is going away, so if I or others can learn more about your use
case, we might be able to help you figure out how to better meet that
use case, or begin drafting features and/or documentation to make this
possible again.

>     2. If yes, how do you feel about the removal of the eclass? Did you rely
>     on its functionality? Does your use case require it?
> I have very few personal ebuilds that take advantage of much of the
> features other than the group reqs etc.  Still, I see the value in them.
Which features are your personal ebuilds using? Could you supply a
snippet or even a paste somewhere that shows what you're doing?

>     3. If yes, _what is your use case_? Which features are important to your
>     use case wrt games and what can Gentoo do to improve that.
> I make use of the games group in my personal ebuilds.  I find some of
> the other features provided in games.eclass potentially useful, but do
> not make immediate needs of them.
>     We cannot make concrete decisions without concrete evidence, so please
>     answer and speak for your use case. This will serve as a public record
>     of interest, and might even inspire a few people. :)
>     Thanks for your time,
>     ~zlg
>     --
>     Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
>     OpenPGP Key: 0x1EA055D6 @ hkp://keys.gnupg.net <http://keys.gnupg.net>
>     fpr: AE03 9064 AE00 053C 270C  1DE4 6F7A 9091 1EA0 55D6
> -- 
> The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
> system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
> -- seen on the net

Thanks again for supplying information to help form an accurate view of

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
OpenPGP Key: 0x1EA055D6 @ hkp://keys.gnupg.net
fpr: AE03 9064 AE00 053C 270C  1DE4 6F7A 9091 1EA0 55D6

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