On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 22:11:22 -0500
Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> J. Roeleveld wrote:
> > On Tuesday, April 12, 2016 01:21:37 PM Dale wrote:  
> >> J. Roeleveld wrote:  

> >> Once in there, I found lots of things to help get things to where
> >> I could work with them.  I found out that I could add multiple
> >> desktops back and at that point, the desktop pager thingy appeared
> >> and worked.  I guess when it is set to 1 desktop, it doesn't show
> >> up or something.  

> > Which seems logical behaviour to me. And the same happened here
> > after configuring it.  
> It is logical.  I knew I had to enable multiple desktops but since the
> settings thing wasn't working, I couldn't figure out how to enable
> it. When I did a google search, I saw where several folks said it was
> gone which caused me great concern.  I got to much stuff going on
> right now to redo my whole setup.

The whining about it being "gone" in your search results is probably
because an important (to some people) feature is gone -- you can't have
different backgrounds and widgets on different virtual desktops within
the same activity any more.  Apparently that feature was buggy in 
KDE 4, though I never had problems with it, so they decided to ditch
it.  They have a plan to re-implement it, but I have no idea how long
it might take.

Earlier you said the new desktop didn't pick up any of the old KDE 4
settings;  I can't find that post, so I'm replying here.  For me, it
picked up a few at least.  Under KDE 4, I had changed my "location"
directories, e.g. the pictures and music directories, and Plasma 5
kept my locations intact.  I also had a couple of scripts in
autostart, and Plasma 5 is using them;  I'm not sure if it copied them
to a new location or just left them where they were. 

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