On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 22:18:50 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> > I don't use the meta packages, preferring to define my own set with
> > the packages I want, so I wasn't aware of Spectacle. I've just tried
> > it an is seems to do much the same as ksnapshot, just with a lot more
> > white space in the UI - but WTF do they block one another, they're
> > only screen shot programs?  
> There doesn't seem to be a good technical reason, maybe it's as simple
> as the maintainer thought there shouldn't be two competing apps with the
> same functionality?
> I unblocked them here, and re-emerged both. Nothing extra was pulled in,
> so there are no conflicting libs.
> Unfortunately I can't attach a screenshot as proof - both remove their
> own window to do the capture :-)

Run two copies, then you can snapshot one with the other ;-)

Neil Bothwick

Voting Democrat or Republican is like choosing a cabin in the Titanic.

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