On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 12:21:12 -0600, Jc García wrote:

> > Gentoo doesn't hide it, it merely clears the screen once the boot has
> > completed successfully. If the boot halts, you can see where and,
> > usually, why it stopped. Try that with openUbundora.
> Most splash screens I've seen, can change back to the init boot log by
> pressing Tab or Alt+Tab(One of those), this has worked for me across
> 'openUbundora'.

Yes you can, Esc also works, but how many of their target uses know that?
All they see is a pretty splash screen and nothing happening. Having
discovered that Linux doesn't work, they scurry back to Windows.

Neil Bothwick

Women live longer than men because they have so many clothes that they
wouldn't be caught dead in.

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