Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwards <at>> writes:

> > I don't get why any distro leaves this out, why anyone wouldn't like to
> > automatically notice while booting any announcement that something failed,
> > especially someone who has just gotten a new installation up for the first
> > times. Why isn't --noclear set by default?


> Yep, I find it infuriating that by default all distros seem to go to
> great effort to hide as much information about the boot/startup
> process as possible.  WTF?  Do they think that stuff is top secret or
> something?  Are they afraid they'll lose their jobs if that info gets
> out?


It's even worse than you guys have stated. There is code often referred to
as "netconsol"::

I was/is wonderful for streaming concurrent detail about a system
during install, as soon as the ethernet interface is set::

I'm not sure why it's not part of most installation semenatics::
I have posted numerous times to numerous forums about it and 
nothing ever happens. So now I have just decided to develop my own gentoo
installation  semantics. 

Dont misunderstand my position:: I think all those folks that have
writen/removed coded from the kernel and the distros are well intentioned
and honest folks. But, when you add up the entire ecosystem of what's
going on (insert your favorite conspiracy theories, as you like) the
days of average users being able to efficiently use open source
*nix technologies is fading fast. So like Alan has said (and many others)
there is *no we* in nix unless your or I step up.

Fair enough! ::

git clone --bare into bare
repository 'gli.git'...
fatal: repository '' not found

It'd be wonderfully appreciated if somebody (anybody) has those old
installer sources anywhere I can replicate them for tweaking. 

Note:: I intend to work on a variety of install semantics. ALL are welcome
to help, guide, critisize and encourage me on this journey!

Beware:: I'm old, crotchitee, dumb, dense  etc etc, and those are my
better qualities. My intentions are well intentioned.

(off to hoop_it_up to relieve some stress!)

If/when we get an installer(s) working for the commoners, we should 
start a gentoo-install  reflector so as to not hassle the gentoo_user
experts that do not believe in automated gentoo installs. These 'experts'
are really wonderful folks that have answered thosands of questions over the
years for folks:: and I thank them for that. 

But supporting the noob installers is more a job for the
post_noob_installers who just maybe are able to present a
kinder_gentler_mo_practical face on automated installation support.



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