On 06/03/2014 11:14 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> On 03/06/14 18:10, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>>> Maybe a news item explaining the switch of upower would help those who 
>>> haven't
>>> blundered into this yet.
>> Maybe. The thing is, this is going to keep happening, as more and more
>> infrastructure migrates towards systemd. Perhaps a news item everytime
>> it happens is unrealistic?
>> I would expect Gentoo users to search for viable solutions by
>> themselves, or asking for ways to solve it in the proper channels
>> (like Silvio did).
> Yes, thank you. That's exactly how I've seen the situation, but am I
> expecting
> too much from our users?
> (I think I'll be forced to write up some minimal news item just to shut up
> the loud minority who can't be bothered to do anything themselfs, like even
> read package ChangeLogs if they stumble upon something manual.)

If someone is going to change the basic rules and expectations of a
system in radical ways it is *not* unreasonable to expect that change to
be explained in an easy-to-find way (and not buried in a changelog.)

G.Wolfe Woodbury

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