But I don't *want* to run a genkernel for reasons of my own.
I do not *want* to have to have an init* pseudo-filesystem for reasons
of my own.
I may want to have a separate /usr for rrerasons of my own.
Distros that *force* me to do things I don't want to do, for whatever
reasons they claim, are not going to remain in my favor for long.
Those claiming that a separate /usr has been broken for a while are, to
be blunt, lying. Certain programs and libraries were added or moved to
/usr in dirext violation of established practice. The massive
objections of many folks were simply ignored and denigrated with extreme
prejudice by certain folks who had acquired delusions of power beyond
their proper roles.
There is *only* ONE Linux God - Linus Torvalds - and even he abandoned
GNOME when cetain things were done. (Nota Bene: somewhat tongue-in-cheek.)
"Against stupidity, even the Gods strive in vain" and I suspect that
Linus may not liek some of the shit going down, but is reluctantly
dealing with the fallout.
G.Wolfe Woodbury