Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 05, 2013 at 05:21:25PM -0500, Dale wrote
>> Well, no Wine here.  So that won't happen.  Actually, I don't have a
>> copy of windoze here at all.  Neither of my two rigs have ever had
>> windoze installed on them at all. 
>> BTW, I have been known to open those attachments before. I usually open
>> them with kwrite or something and try to see what is human readable in
>> there.  Most is machine language but there is usually a small portion
>> that is human readable.  They sent it and I'm nosy that way.  lol
>   The bad guys go after the "low hanging fruit", i.e. the easiest
> targets.  Years ago, it was Internet Explorer.  This also included
> Outlook and Outlook Express, which were glorified IE frontends.  There
> were many "drive-by-downloads", thanks to Active-X (aka "Active-Hacks").
>   MS has gotten its act together on IE, so the bad guys are now going
> after other stuff.  The "other stuff" is cross-platform stuff like Java
> and Javascript and Adobe Acrobat and Flash (known affectionately as
> "Schlockwave Trash").  So yes... it can happen here.
>   I've been Java-free for years.  I use Noscript and Flashblock on
> Firefox.  I keep Opera around for those sites that don't work on
> Firefox.  I also use mupdf instead of the bloated Acrobat Reader
> monstrosity.

Questions.  Can a virus infect the OS when running on Linux through
java/javascript/flash?  Or would the infection at the least be limited
to that user? 

How is html5 going to affect this?  Better or worse? 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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