Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 08:41:21PM -0500, Dale wrote
>> OK.  I do banking online.  I also pay my bills online along with social
>> sites as well.  I use Lastpass so that I can have some really REALLY
>> funky passwords.  I think I am one of few that has not had his facebook
>> hacked.  Anyway, I run Gentoo which is known here.  I use
>> Firefox/Seamonkey as my web browser.  So next question sort of takes us
>> back to my point with the knucklehead in the store.  Am I safer, much
>> safer, using Linux over windoze?  That answer would take into account
>> the fact that most virus/nasty code is written for windoze and not Linux
>> but also that Linux is just built with security in mind.  I belive that
>> I am much safer with Linux myself.
>   You are safer overall.  Just watch out for XSS (cross-site-scripting),
> java, Flash, and acrobat exploits.

That's my thinking but wanted a second opinion.  So far, I have never
had anything hacked.  That includes social sites, banking and other
financial stuff, email and other password protected stuff.  I keep
everything updated and use browsers that are popular and updated
frequently.  I think Lastpass helps too.  I have one good password and
it remember the really hard ones.  So far, it works well. 

Thanks for the second opinion.  It ended up like I thought.  ;-) 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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