On 2013-04-07 9:38 AM, Nick Khamis <sym...@gmail.com> wrote:
Double checking the udevd version we are running 171. Not sure if we should be effected yet? I confess, I did a world upgrade and walked away.
Well, hopefully you learned a valuable lesson. I cannot even *fathom* the *idea* of doing a world update on a remote server without going through each and every package to be updated, reading every news item I could find, etc etc ad nauseum, and googling if any systems critical to booting (like udev) are involved.
For me, world updates are usually very small because I keep my server updated weekly. I generally sync every day, checking what packages are available, then once that update has been available/unchanged for 3 or 4 days, I update it... waiting even a bit longer (and googling for issues) if the package(s) are critical system packages.
Admittedly, doing it this way manually wouldn't work for anyone managing more than a few servers, although I imagine it could be scripted by one with the knowledge/desire.
But seriously - there has been so much noise about the whole udev situation in the last months (6+?) that you should really be kicking yourself that you did that.