On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 09:46:28PM +0200, Michael Hampicke wrote:
> I have something similar with grub (with grub set default, savedefault,
> fallback). Also most machines have some sort of rescue access with like
> ipmi serial over lan or a eric card (kvm). But some remote machines
> don't and rebooting them is always a thrill :) I mean, there are rescue
> systems that can be invoked via bootp, but you are blind while rebooting.

Hi Michael,

If you have the time, maybe you can post your GrUB setup and a short HOW-TO do
this somewhere. I've often mentioned doing it with LiLO in #gentoo on Freenode
and always get flamed by GrUB fanbois, but to date none has been able to
produce how to actually do it with GrUB. Since Gentoo now recommends GrUB
rather by default, it might be nice for folks to know how to use this.

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