On Wednesday 23 January 2013 12:05:45 AM IST, Volker Armin Hemmann 
> Am 22.01.2013 08:41, schrieb Nilesh Govindrajan:
>> So I have this old E2180 processor and no money as of now to buy a new
>> rig :P
>> I'm trying to overclock my CPU using BIOS host clock control and
>> everything is fine at 2.6 Ghz up to bootloader.
>> Kernel segfaults. Any idea why? I'm running pf-kernel 3.7.2 and it
>> doesn't work with vanilla kernel either.
>> Intel MCE is disabled in kernel configuration.
> and now you know why overclocking is stupid. (disabling mce is stupid
> too btw).
> Before there are segfaults there are silent data corruption errors. The
> file you downloaded and saved to the disk? Damaged - and you won't
> know...  or you will, when those errors add up, turning precious data
> into binary garbage.
> Only overclock if there is nothing of worth on your computer - and
> nothing of worth done with it. But in that case - why use it in the
> first place?
> Don't be stupid. Don't overvlock.

Enabled MCE back after realising it's RAM issue. Anyway, it's too much 
work running torture tests. Back to safe levels.

Nilesh Govindarajan

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