On Tuesday 22 January 2013 03:13:01 PM IST, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 22/01/13 09:41, Nilesh Govindrajan wrote:
>> So I have this old E2180 processor and no money as of now to buy a new
>> rig :P
>> I'm trying to overclock my CPU using BIOS host clock control and
>> everything is fine at 2.6 Ghz up to bootloader.
>> Kernel segfaults. Any idea why? I'm running pf-kernel 3.7.2 and it
>> doesn't work with vanilla kernel either.
>> Intel MCE is disabled in kernel configuration.
> When you raise the "host clock", which is the FSB, you are also
> raising the frequency of your RAM.  So make sure you select a lower
> FSB:DRAM ratio in your BIOS.  To begin with, set it to 1:1.
> Also, if you only have the stock CPU cooler that came with it, you
> won't be able to actually get a stable overclock.  Your CPU's stock
> frequency is 2GHz.  Without a better cooler, you might get it to 2.2
> or 2.3 maybe.  But 2.6?  That's pretty optimistic.  I don't think
> it'll work in the long run, unless you happen to have picked a good
> chip that can be overclocked without raising the VCore.
> But first, solve the RAM problem by lowering the FSB:DRAM ratio.

I don't get even 2.1 with the stock cooler. Temperature easily goes 
above 75-80 (spec say high temp is 86) on the prime95 test. Quite easy 
to cook it considering that I'm a Gentoo user :D
Not really worth that. Thanks for replies.

Nilesh Govindarajan

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