Am 22.01.2013 08:41, schrieb Nilesh Govindrajan: > So I have this old E2180 processor and no money as of now to buy a new > rig :P > I'm trying to overclock my CPU using BIOS host clock control and > everything is fine at 2.6 Ghz up to bootloader. > > Kernel segfaults. Any idea why? I'm running pf-kernel 3.7.2 and it > doesn't work with vanilla kernel either. > > Intel MCE is disabled in kernel configuration. > > and now you know why overclocking is stupid. (disabling mce is stupid too btw).
Before there are segfaults there are silent data corruption errors. The file you downloaded and saved to the disk? Damaged - and you won't know... or you will, when those errors add up, turning precious data into binary garbage. Only overclock if there is nothing of worth on your computer - and nothing of worth done with it. But in that case - why use it in the first place? Don't be stupid. Don't overvlock.