On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 13:17:01 +0000
Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 09:00:37 +0100, Andrea Conti wrote:
> > Personally I stopped bothering with a separate /usr ages ago, so I
> > don't really care.
> Having given this some thought recently, I am coming round to the view
> that the problem is /usr itself. It may have had a place when boot
> disks were limited in size, but I really don't see the point it in at
> all nowadays. This whole question of which bin directory does code
> belong in should be "why do we need so many bin directories"?

There are some separations that do make sense in a Unix context:

- */bin vs */sbin is one. Nothing to do with security, but */sbin can
  go in root's PATH and apps that only makes sense when run as root (eg
  mkfs) go there. This avoids cluttering the display with useful crap
  from tab-completion.

- / vs /usr/local. I like this one, everything I build and install
  myself without help from the package manager goes here. On FreeBSD it
  means I used ports to install the stuff and it's not in world. I do
  need this distinction in my world. Perl CPAN too for the same reasons.

- /opt. Um yeah, OK. So we have these things called proprietary apps
  where devs just want to make a directory specially for their app and
  dump everything belong it. OK, as a scheme, it works. I don't like
  it but I don't have a better idea.

/ vs /usr is the only one I don't need myself, as /usr is not read-only
(a very valid use case) and I don't have thin clients on the network.

Alan McKinnnon

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