On March 17, 2012 at 4:00 AM Andrea Conti <a...@alyf.net> wrote:

> > This news item is to inform you that once you upgrade to a version of
> > udev >=181, if you have /usr on a separate partition, you must boot
> > system with an initramfs which pre-mounts /usr.
> [...]
> > Happy Computer Users, systemd is on your horizon.
> The problem, if you really want to call this a problem, is with udev,
> not OpenRC. Switching to systemd is not going to solve it.
> Personally I stopped bothering with a separate /usr ages ago, so I don't
> really care.
> andrea


It's (systemd) the same mentality as those who started Ubuntu to attract
Windoze Weenies because Gentoo, or even Slackware, was too hard for them to
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