Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Saturday 17 March 2012 12:54:53 Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
>> genkernel is pretty simple to use if you ask me.
>> just
>> emerege genkernel
>> and then use
>> genkerenl --menuconfig all
>> it will do everything for you the same as in a regular kernel
>> compiling.
>> you have instructions on how to use genkernel on the handbook.
> What's more, you don't have to keep going through menuconfig if you 
> already have a running self-compiled kernel. Just copy the .config file to 
> somewhere safe (I use, e.g. /boot/config-3.2) and call genkernel with the 
> option to specify the config file it's to use. Sorry but I can't tell you 
> exactly what the parameter is as I don't have genkernel on this box. 
> Someone will be along in a moment though.

I used genkernel when I was first installing Gentoo.  I let that thing
build half a dozen kernels, chroot in between too.  You know what, not
one of them worked.  That was a long time ago but let me check something
here.  < spit spit spit >  I had to get the bad taste out of my mouth.  lol

I might also add, I started using a init thingy a few weeks ago, dracut
tool.  For some crazy reason, when I boot with the init thingy, my
system doesn't work right.  When I boot without the init thingy, it
works fine.  Still trying to figure out that one.  It's in another thread.

I don't see myself using genkernel any time soon.  Right now, I'm having
flashbacks to hal with regard to dracut and the whole init thingy /usr


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