On 29/03/2012, at 17:35, "J. Roeleveld" <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:

> On Mon, March 19, 2012 3:56 pm, Alex Schuster wrote:
>> William Kenworthy writes:
>>> On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 18:30 -0600, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>>>> My laptop has used dracut since months ago, and suspends/resumes just
>>>> fine, as it does my media center.
>>> Genkernel doesnt, bugs and work arounds on gentoo bugzilla, with angry
>>> comments from a dev that it wont be supported and to not file bugs for
>>> it - now that dev has moved on I dont know if enough has changed to test
>>> the waters and file a bug again.
>>> Its missing a hook in the initrd to call the binary that starts the
>>> resume process.
>> Huh? I don't use this at the moment, because suspend-to-ram is enough for
>> me, but it (that is, the initramfs part) used to work just fine out of the
>> box for me, also opening my LUKS-encrypted root volume being on LVM. It
>> also seemed to work on another Gentoo PC I installed recently, although
>> TuxOnIce itself does not work so the resume fails. Argh, this suspend to
>> disk stuff NEVER really worked for me, and I tried for years on different
>> systems.
> I had it working a long time ago, but the last time I tried it I ended up
> with a bit of a problem:
> I don't want a swap-partition on the SSD in my netbook. So I want it to
> use the SD-card that's permanently plugged in. Problem is, it's connected
> via an internal USB-port and USB is killed before the writing-proces for
> the suspend-to-disk starts.
> Anyone know a solution short of rewriting the kernel? ;)
> --
> Joost
try tuxonice - allows you to suspend to a file on disk as well as ram or swap.  
Added bonus is its much more robust than in-kernel, and the dev (Nigel) is very 
responsive if help or bugfixes (usually for new kernel versions) are needed.


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