On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 1:21 AM, James Broadhead
<jamesbroadh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 16 November 2011 08:42, James Broadhead <jamesbroadh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Your user should be in plugdev, with the mountpoiny rwx by plugdev. I have
>> root:plugdev rwxrwxr-x.
> Oh, and run ifuse as the user, not as root :)

I'll look into both of those. Thanks.

I got the Kindle Fire yesterday (2 days earlier than they originally
told me.) As far as I'm concerned the device is almost brilliant. At
least 4.5 stars. It's Android based, pure USB and very accessible.
Just hooked it up to my Gentoo box, mounted it, found the Video
directory, downloaded some movies ripped in Handbrake and started
enjoying it. Took about 20 minutes from opening the box until it was
playing a movie.

Storage is a little small. 8GB internal, about 6.3GB available to me,
but for $199 I have to say that having a portable reader/movie player
that also gives you free video if you're an Amazon Prime member and
has apps for playing NetFlix Instant Watch and Hulu+ is really nice.
Personally I like the 7" screen format but the device does feel a
little heavy. Batteries lasted all day and through the evening.

- Mark

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