Hello Stroller.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 04:04:29PM +0100, Stroller wrote:

> On 14 September 2011, at 11:25, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> > ...
> >> No, by "you know what needs to be done" I mean: code. Contribute.
> >> Become a developer. Make shit happens the way you think it should
> >> happen.

> >> Shut up and code. Google it, I didn't come with the phrase.

> > Just as a matter of interest, how much coding have you done for open
> > source or free software?  It was conspicuously absent from the CV you
> > posted here a few days ago.

> That's got nothing to do with it, and it's rude of you to make this
> about Canek, IMO.

Given how much Canek has been saying about free/open source recently, the
attitudes he's been attributing to its developers (which don't accord
with my experience of them), and the number of times he's told people,
in a manner I find very rude, to "stop moaning and code it yourself" -
given all of this, I find it reasonable to question Canek's background.
I'm not the only one of us getting irritated by him.

I think the word you accidentally left out of your last sentence was
"insinuation".  I hope, on reading this post of mine, you'll change your

> It's YOU who wants things differently from the planned roadmap, so why
> shouldn't YOU code the features?

No reason whatsoever.  Go back to the earlier posts in this thread, and
you'll see this is what I proposed doing, before somebody (I think it was
Michael) educated me on what the problem actually was.

> There have been a couple of posts in this thread, I don't recall who
> made them, who talked of the "1% of users forcing this change on the
> other 99%". This is an exceedingly disingenuous argument - it's the
> Gentoo users, the objectors, who are the 1%. 99% of users won't even
> notice this, because they're using binary distros. 

I asked if the person causing us the grief had consulted the wider world
before making such far reaching changes.  The answer to this question
was nobody's been able to find out.  Of the people who care about things
like booting sequences, it would seem the vast majority don't like what's

> My inclination is to agree with you. I detest initramfs, but I don't
> significantly partition my disks, so I'm unaffected. But if you care
> you'd better stop whining and get coding.

> It's inexcusable of you to try and turn the problem around and question
> Canek's contributions to OSS if you're unprepared to make any yourself.

I've been contributing to Emacs in general and CC Mode in particular for
10 years.  I've been the sole maintainer of CC Mode (the mode used for
coding in C, C++, Objective C, Java, Awk, and a couple of others, and an
unknown number of derived modes) for around 5 years.  Over that time I've
spent thousands of hours on the project.  My latest release was on
Monday, and you can find it at
<http://cc-mode.sourceforge.net/release.php>.  If you use {,X}Emacs to
hack in any these languages, I recommend you to download and install it.

Several or many of CC Mode's features have come about through request's
from users.  They are gratefully received.  Some requests, for features
which aren't really suitable for the mode, get answered by personal
patches to the requesters.  Some requests get gently turned down.  The
idea of slagging off users with "IMPLEMENT IT YOURSELF!!!" is completely
outside my experiece.

Normally I get credit and respect for this work.

> Stroller.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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