On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Leonardo Guilherme
<leonardo.guilhe...@gmail.com> wrote:

I do not know the state of Geanny since I last checked (couple of years
> ago), but the highlight capabilites of KDevelop got my eye. It highlights
> local variables in different colors in the same context, so something like
> int foo(float bar, float baz) {
> }
> will have bar and baz in different colors. Also, support for CMake in
> KDevelop got really great and useful. Plus, it supports debugging inside the
> editor. Its awesome.

If you want something in a gui, what about Code::Blocks? It's also

> --
> Chris Brennan
> A: Yes.
> >Q: Are you sure?
> >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> http://xkcd.com/84/ | http://xkcd.com/149/ | http://xkcd.com/549/
> GPG: D5B20C0C (6741 8EE4 6C7D 11FB 8DA8  9E4A EECD 9A84 D5B2 0C0C)


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