On 22 Aug 2010, at 11:26, Alex Schuster wrote:
Stroller writes:

while true
  for drive in a b c d
     /usr/sbin/smartctl /dev/sd$drive --whatever >> /var/log/hdstate
sleep 60

I use hdparm and hddtemp:

for hd in sda sdb sdc sdd
        echo "$hd: $state $temp"

The script with which you reply is missing the sleep 60 loop.

The problem with cron is that I get those cron logs I do not like, and
that the update time of 60 seconds is a little long. Running the script in a loop, started in .kde4/Autostart, would be better, but as a user I have no permission to call hdparm or hdtemp. I do not want to be part of the disk group, and when using sudo I would get the logs by sudo I wanted to avoid. So now I SUID'ed hdparm and hddtemp, changed the group to wheel and disabled execution for others. cron problem not solved, but workarounded.

Running a script which contains `while true ... sleep 60` will cause only a single logging action. You can run it as root at startup using / etc/conf.d/local.start and have the file world readable.


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