Stroller writes: > On 21 Aug 2010, at 14:25, Alex Schuster wrote: > > ... > > I want to monitor the power status of my hard drives, so I wrote a > > little > > script that gives me this output: > > > > sda: standby > > sdb: standby > > sdc: active/idle 32°C > > sdd: active/idle 37°C > > > > This script is called every minute via an fcron entry, output goes > > into a log file, and I use the file monitor plasmoid to watch this log > > file in KDE. > > > > It's working fine, but also monitor my syslog in another file > > monitor plamoid, and now I get lots of these entries: > > > > Aug 21 14:21:06 [fcron] pam_unix(fcron:session): session opened for > > user root by (uid=0) > > Aug 21 14:21:06 [fcron] Job /usr/local/sbin/hdstate >> /var/log/ > > hdstate started for user root (pid 24483) > > Aug 21 14:21:08 [fcron] Job /usr/local/sbin/hdstate >> /var/log/ > > hdstate completed > > Aug 21 14:21:08 [fcron] pam_unix(fcron:session): session closed for > > user root > > #!/bin/bash > while true > do > for drive in a b c d > do > /usr/sbin/smartctl /dev/sd$drive --whatever >> /var/log/hdstate > done > sleep 60 > done
I use hdparm and hddtemp: for hd in sda sdb sdc sdd do str=$( /sbin/hdparm -C /dev/$hd ) state=${str##*is: } if [[ $state == active/idle ]] && [[ $hd =~ sd[c] ]] then temp=$( /usr/sbin/hddtemp -q /dev/$hd ) temp=${temp% or *} temp=${temp##* } else temp= fi echo "$hd: $state $temp" done Unfortunately, reading the temperature makes a drive in standby spin up, and prevents automatic spindown after a while of idle time. So now I ask for the temperature only on my system drive, the others should sleep most of the time anyway. > I would personally update more often than this, and my concern would > be that if the process fails then your plasmoid isn't showing the > correct data. > > I presume this is the same with your current setup: if cron dies then > the current temperature will not be read to file, and the plasmoid > will continue reading the last lines in /var/log/hdstate - the drive > can overheat without you knowing about it. Nah, it's really not that important for me. I show the temperature just for the fun of it, and for extreme temperatures I have smartd running, see below. I'm more interested in the active/standby state. I just added two old additonal IDE drives for additional backups, and I want them to be silent most of the time. So I wrote a little script to show the status so I see when they spin up again (and they do this sometimes), and used fcron to get the data into a log file that the plasmoids shows. The problem with cron is that I get those cron logs I do not like, and that the update time of 60 seconds is a little long. Running the script in a loop, started in .kde4/Autostart, would be better, but as a user I have no permission to call hdparm or hdtemp. I do not want to be part of the disk group, and when using sudo I would get the logs by sudo I wanted to avoid. So now I SUID'ed hdparm and hddtemp, changed the group to wheel and disabled execution for others. cron problem not solved, but workarounded. > So I would expect there to be a better "plasmid" for this task. I'm > completely unfamiliar with plasmids, but what you really want is a > plasmid that itself runs a script and displays the stdout on your > screen. That way if there's no data, or an error, then _you see that > in the plasmid_, instead of silently ignoring it (as you may be at > present). > > The easiest (but dumb) way to handle this is to add the date to your > plasmid's display so that at least you can see that something's wrong > if it doesn't match the clock. A better way is not to have to watch a > status monitor at all, and just have a script running that emails you > if the temperature is above a specified range. I have smartd running, which should send me mails about such things. For each drive, I have a line like this in /etc/smartd.conf: /dev/sdc -a -n standby -o on -S on -W 5,40,45 \ -s (S/../.././12|L/../../06/06) -m This does some regular health checks on the drive, when it is not in standby mode. Temperature changes of more than 5 degrees and temperatures of 40 degrees or more are logged. I will receive an email when the temperature reaches 45 degrees, or when it reaches a new maximum. The maximum values are preserved across boot cycles (option -S). Every day at 12:00, a short self test is scheduled, and a long self test each sunday on 06:00. Wonko