Hi there! I want to monitor the power status of my hard drives, so I wrote a little script that gives me this output:
sda: standby sdb: standby sdc: active/idle 32°C sdd: active/idle 37°C This script is called every minute via an fcron entry, output goes into a log file, and I use the file monitor plasmoid to watch this log file in KDE. It's working fine, but also monitor my syslog in another file monitor plamoid, and now I get lots of these entries: Aug 21 14:21:06 [fcron] pam_unix(fcron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Aug 21 14:21:06 [fcron] Job /usr/local/sbin/hdstate >> /var/log/hdstate started for user root (pid 24483) Aug 21 14:21:08 [fcron] Job /usr/local/sbin/hdstate >> /var/log/hdstate completed Aug 21 14:21:08 [fcron] pam_unix(fcron:session): session closed for user root There is a nolog option for fcrontab, but I still get this output every minute: Aug 21 15:10:06 [fcron] pam_unix(fcron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Aug 21 15:10:08 [fcron] pam_unix(fcron:session): session closed for user root Hmmm... could it be that these entries do not come from fcron itself, but from PAM? Do I need to look there so suppress them? And if so, would this make sense? I want to suppress only these specific logs, not other stuff that might be interesting. Any ideas? It's nothing important, but maybe there's a simple solution, and I like to learn. Don't knwo much about this PAM stuff yet. Maybe I'll just start a background job for that instead of using fcron. Wonko