>Hi Jonas,
>unfortunately, I don't understand your advice.
>I do have X11 forwarding configured and I don't have any problems
>when working as the same user for which I logged in via ssh -Y.
>But if I change the user by using su (doesn't work) or sux (works on
>a local machine), Xauthorization fails.


sorry i was a bit in a hurry.

it's been a while since i looked into this but i think you can add your
users x-magic-cookie to your authorized cookies, your cookie to his
cookies or a new cookie to his cookies and your authorized cookies
(which you can delete later so he doesn't have access to your session

from the top of my head i'm not sure which way round it works (maybe
both?) which is why i only advised reading of the manpage ;)

hope this helps,

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