On 7 Apr, Jonas de Buhr wrote: > >>>Are there any means to achieve this? >> >>Hi Helmut, >> >>you need to read "man xauth" :) > > or maybe this: > http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/xauth-6.html#ss6.3 > > skip the DISPLAY-part if you're using ssh -Y. >
Hi Jonas, unfortunately, I don't understand your advice. I do have X11 forwarding configured and I don't have any problems when working as the same user for which I logged in via ssh -Y. But if I change the user by using su (doesn't work) or sux (works on a local machine), Xauthorization fails. Thanks, Helmut. -- Helmut Jarausch Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik RWTH - Aachen University D 52056 Aachen, Germany