--Because this is what thy're used to &/or they have limited memory -AND/OR- becase this is the Safe! way to do email.
-- -- (Just look at all those *loverly* security alerts & infection/wipe-outs in WhinedoZZZe partly because of accepting non-text.)
Helpful? rgh.
Calvin Spealman wrote:
I know people say it, but why?
On 5/2/05, Neil Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Calvin Spealman wrote:
So its automatic detection of the features if possible, but USE flags if
No. There is no detection. Just assumption that AMD65 will support certain extensions.
And please turn of HTML for posts in mailing lists.
Be lucky,
-- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
-- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list