On 2/13/21 5:51 PM, Zac Medico wrote:
> On 2/10/21 11:11 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 12:57 PM Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfri...@gentoo.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> * what portage features are still needed or need improvements (e.g. binpkg
>>> signing and verification)
>>> * how should hosting look like
>> Some ideas for portage enhancements:
>> 1.  Ability to fetch binary packages from some kind of repo.
> The old PORTAGE_BINHOST functionality has been replaced with a
> binrepos.conf file that's very similar to repos.conf:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/668334
> It doesn't have explicit support for multiple local binary package
> repositories yet, but somebody got it working with src-uri set to a
> file:/ uri as described in comments on this bug:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/768957
>> 2.  Ability to have multiple binary packages co-exist in a repo (local
>> or remote) with different build attributes (arch, USE, CFLAGS,
>> DEPENDS, whatever).
> We can now enable FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance by default now that
> this bug is fixed:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/571126
>> 3.  Ability to pick the most appropriate binary packages to use based
>> on user preferences (with a mix of hard and soft preferences).
> Current package selection logic for binary packages is basically the
> same as for ebuilds. These are the notable differences:
> 1) Binary packages are sorted in descending order by (version, mtime),
> so then most recent builds are preferred when the versions are identical.
> 2) The --binpkg-respect-use option rejects binary packages what would
> need to be rebuilt in order to match local USE settings.
>> One idea I've had around how #2-3 might be implemented is:
>> 1.  Binary packages already contain data on how they were built (USE
>> flags, dependencies, etc).  Place this in a file using a deterministic
>> sorting/etc order so that two builds with the same settings will have
>> the same results.
> This would only be needed to multi-profile binhosts that provide a
> variety of configurations for the same package.
> Features like this are not necessary if the binhost only intends to
> provide packages for a single profile.
>> 2.  Generate a hash of the file contents - this can go in the filename
>> so that the file can co-exist with other files, and be located
>> assuming you have a full matching set of metadata.
> For FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance we currently use an integer BUILD_ID
> ensure that file names are unique.
>> 3.  Start dropping attributes from the file based on a list of
>> priorities and generate additional hashes.  Create symlinked files to
>> the original file using these hashes (overwriting or not existing
>> symlinks based on policy).  This allows the binary package to be found
>> using either an exact set of attributes or a subset of higher-priority
>> attributes.  This is analogous to shared object symlinking.
>> 4.  The package manager will look for a binary package first using the
>> user's full config, and then by dropping optional elements of the
>> config (so maybe it does the search without CFLAGs, then without USE
>> flags).  Eventually it aborts based on user prefs (maybe the user only
>> wants an exact match, or is willing to accept alternate CFLAGs but not
>> USE flags, or maybe anything for the arch is selected> 5.  As always the 
>> final selected binary package still gets evaluated
>> like any other binary package to ensure it is usable.
>> Such a system can identify whether a potentially usable file exists
>> using only filename, cutting down on fetching.  In the interests of
>> avoiding useless fetches we would only carry step 3 reasonably far -
>> packages would have to match based on architecture and any dynamic
>> linking requirements.  So we wouldn't generate hashes that didn't
>> include at least those minimums, and the package manager wouldn't
>> search for them.
>> Obviously you could do more (if you have 5 combinations of use flags,
>> look for the set that matches most closely).  That couldn't be done
>> using hashes alone in an efficient way.  You could have a small
>> manifest file alongside the binary package that could be fetched
>> separately if the package manager wants to narrow things down and
>> fetch a few of those to narrow it down further.
> All of the above is oriented toward multi-profile binhosts, so we'll
> have to do a cost/benefit analysis to determine whether it's worth the
> effort to introduce the complexity that multi-profile binhosts add.

This idea to borrow paludis's notion of pbins could work well for a
multi-profile binhost:


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