W dniu nie, 07.01.2018 o godzinie 21∶25 +0100, użytkownik Michał Górny
> W dniu sob, 06.01.2018 o godzinie 12∶10 +0100, użytkownik Michał Górny
> napisał:
> > So I'm thinking of an alternate idea: to start adding staging warnings
> > for additional profile class, combined with arch restriction. In other
> > words, change CI from:
> > 
> >   -p stable
> > 
> > to:
> > 
> >   -p stable,something -a alpha,amd64,...,mips,...
> > 
> > with a separate class for NonSolvableDeps in non-stable profiles (like
> > repoman's badindev/badinexp) that triggers only a staging-class warning.
> > 
> > However, this means that:
> > 
> > ১. We need to settle for either dev or exp being 'more' supported,
> > and drop all unsupported profiles to the other group.
> > 
> > ২. We need to fix the appropriate class of profiles for stable arches
> > (or move them to the other group).
> > 
> > ৩. The arches in question still need to generate reasonably low number
> > of warnings.
> > 
> I'd like to follow this with a more precise proposal. Namely, redefine
> the current profile statuses to apply the following:
> a. stable -> fully tested, all depgraph breakages are errors,
> b. exp -> fully tested, all depgraph breakages are warnings,
> c. dev -> developer's playground, not tested.
> This would specifically mean that:
> 1. Any 'exp' profiles with serious breakage will temporarily be
> downgraded to 'dev'.
> 2. A 'dev' profile can be upgraded to 'exp' if its scale of depgraph
> breakage is reasonable (i.e. doesn't clutter the QA report with too many
> warnings).
> 3. A 'exp' profile can be upgraded to 'stable' only if it has no
> depgraph breakages.

Following the explanation from Ulrich Müller, I'm correcting this
proposal by swapping exp and dev, that is:

a. stable -> fully tested, all depgraph breakages are errors,

b. dev -> fully tested, all depgraph breakages are warnings,

c. exp -> not tested.

I will post updated patches shortly.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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