Am Dienstag, 19. September 2017, 07:06:24 CEST schrieb Duncan:
> Andreas K. Huettel posted on Mon, 18 Sep 2017 11:56:30 +0200 as excerpted:
> > It may not always be obvious where this is needed, since net-libs/libnsl
> > is already pulled in deep in the dependency tree (my @system chroot has
> > it).
> FWIW, while it may be deep in the @system dependency tree, I don't have
> libnsl installed here, so if it's not in @system directly, it's
> apparently pulled into @system by USE deps of some sort, via USE flags
> that aren't required to be on, in at least some reasonably general
> purpose plasma desktop configurations.

Do you run glibc-2.26 already? I hope not, because it's >>unkeyworded<< and 
I'm still changing things without warning there... :) [*]

With any other glibc, it's part of sys-libs/glibc.

And you will need it, because part of dev-lang/python links to it (for us) 

[*] If yes, please join #gentoo-toolchain, because that's the only place where 
I right now mention when I break something. :)

Andreas K. Hüttel
Gentoo Linux developer (council, perl, libreoffice)

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