Dnia 20 września 2017 10:23:42 CEST, "Andreas K. Huettel" 
<dilfri...@gentoo.org> napisał(a):
>Am Dienstag, 19. September 2017, 22:38:17 CEST schrieb Luca Barbato:
>> > REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( sunrpc libtirpc ntirpc )"
>> > If rpc support is optional with useflag rpc, then this becomes
>> > REQUIRED_USE="rpc? ( ^^ ( sunrpc libtirpc ntirpc ) )"
>> > 
>> > Since the three options are coinstallable I see no problems with a
>> > only supporting a subset, but I have no clue how this interacts at
>> > runtime.
>> If they aren't ABI-compatible you would expect explosions once you
>> two libraries linked to the two different implementation (assuming
>> aren't macro-mangling everything).
>Yep. So, apart from requiring "use the same implementation everywhere",
>set the flag globally, and stating "if you micromanage, you have to
>the explosions yourself" - is there anything else we can realistically


>> We could check if the other libc could be switched to the external
>> provider and play the lazy card and just always force an external
>> implementation.
>Two or three implementations doesnt make that much of a difference

Best regards,
Michał Górny (by phone)

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