On Mon, 31 Jul 2017 12:56:18 +1000
Sam Jorna <wra...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Sorry, I thought this thread was about whether to keep or discontinue
> the separation between stable and testing branches.

Yes and it was others that said lack of stable would effect
enterprise/professional usage. I simply said that argument was moot as
there are other objections beyond not having stable.

Most I know would say Gentoo as a whole is not stable, regardless of
any stable packages, branch, etc. They do not consider Gentoo stable.

FYI, I have always run Gentoo for professional usage. I have a
business. My business has always run Gentoo on all servers, desktops,
workstations etc. Those locally who have worked for me and in my LUG
know this fact. I have also interviewed with many companies in the US
who either did run Gentoo or still do. Thus I have some directly
knowledge on that shrinking market.

Beyond my opinion, gentoo -debian - suse -redhat

Very few if any are after Gentoo skills. Change that to any other
distro and see the difference. Of course Gentoo is always mentioned
with others, but are they running Gentoo is the question. Seeking
Gentoo skills and companies running Gentoo are not the same.


It is always lumped in with others, rarely by itself.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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