On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Alexander Berntsen <berna...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> If you mean that we should go with what is currently popular, then
> that would be Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and to a lesser degree
> Ubuntu. But I'm not sure what that mental exercise affords us. I am
> more concerned with how we can make Gentoo better, and how we can grow
> and evolve as a distro. I don't think Gentoo as it exists today will
> continue to be a success in 2025. From a user POV I already think that
> Gentoo is likely not the best distro choice for me. But instead of
> immediately abandoning ship like other developers have, I want Gentoo
> to improve.

If you think Exherbo is better for you, then you should probably
use/work on Exherbo instead.

I would tend to agree with those who have written that coordinating
work across repos is kind of a pain. The way we're currently setup,
with a largish active "core" repository and lots of little satellites
seems to work pretty well. We should always invest in ways to make it
easier to contribute work, and to become a dev, and I would not be
opposed to integrating layman/repositories.xml a bit more, but I don't
think your stated goal of totally decentralizing our ebuild tree will
make Gentoo better.



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