On 06/08/2016 11:21 PM, Andrew Savchenko wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 22:07:06 -0700 Daniel Campbell wrote:
>> There are some of us against GitHub and/or other commercial outfits, so
>> that's not a problem. We offer some mirrors on GitHub, and some devs
>> host things on there, but it's nothing officially endorsed or otherwise
>> required by Gentoo.
>> In fact I recently deleted my repos and account over the Code of Conduct
>> fiasco, but that's a whole 'nother topic. :P
> Do you mean github's Code of Conduct? Looks like I missed some
> change there.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Savchenko
Yeah. It's unrelated to this thread, but GitHub's adopted the 'Open Code
of Conduct' by the TODO group or whatever. They had claimed it was
solely for their own projects, but there was some drama that came up
where they deleted peoples' repos, issues, and/or comments over that
same CoC. Often, it was enforced due to political or personal leanings
on sensitive subjects that didn't relate to the code at hand.

It may be better to discuss this over IRC or in private e-mail. The tldr
of it is they'd enforced their CoC despite it being nowhere in their
official Terms of Service. For some, that is a problem.

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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