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On 09/06/16 22:15, Michał Górny wrote:
> Didn't you just contradict yourself? First you tell that everyone 
> should have their own public repo... then you tell that we should 
> merge stuff from those repos. So are you targeting split-repo
> model, or central repo model, or...?
Everyone should have their own public repository, yes. I want people
to be able to grow their own Gentoo as they please. But I'm not
suggesting we up and away with our developers and expertise. instead,
we should maintain core/base packages, and curated and reviewed
small-ish repositories that we feature and recommend using. As such,
I'm not suggesting anything that major here. Just encouraging users to
put all their stuff public and get more involved with writing and
reviewing ebuilds, and, further on, us becoming a bit more modular.

> Does that mean that using Gentoo would involve spending hours on 
> figuring out which repository supplies a package that happens to be
>  quite up-to-date, build and not have huge security issues?
That's where the mentioned curated and reviewed repositories featured
by us come in.

> So... are we doing split repos, or now forking Gentoo and expecting
>  things to magically work when people attempt to merge a dozen 
> outdated forks of Gentoo?
We're not doing anything -- we're just having a discussion. I'm not
sure about what you mean by merging outdated forks though.

> NixOS doesn't work. It's a huge pile of hacks that create more 
> problems than they solve.
There are quite a lot of people that would disagree vehemently with
you, but I can't really address your issues because you are
effectively just saying "NixOS sucks lol". Do you have the same
concerns with Guix SD? Could you perhaps elaborate on what your
concerns actually are?

> Exherbo is special. You can talk about everyone having their own 
> repository when you have to deal with around 10 users who also 
> happen to be developers. It doesn't scale to Gentoo.
I find this unfounded and about as useful as your "argument" against
NixOS. Exherbo has one single contribution hub with a common review
system for all repositories. I see no reason this shouldn't scale.

> I don't really see how this is relevant to Sunrise.
I didn't mean to say that it was -- I just think we should involve
users, which Sunrise did.

> You have no real technical suggestions, or even a clear vision. I 
> have no clue how your idea is going to work, or if it's even a
> single idea.
The email was primarily meant to generate discussion, to see what kind
of ideas people have in this direction. But I think there are a few
more concrete things in here, and I hope there will be more of those.
If you have more questions or ideas, then perhaps my answers will help
elucidate the "vision", as it were.
- -- 
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