On 06/01/2016 12:52 PM, Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
> On 01/06/16 11:19 AM, NP-Hardass wrote:
>> On 06/01/2016 10:29 AM, Mart Raudsepp wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> So here's something more simple wrt GUI USE flags.
>>> Global USE=gui for
>>> gui - enable an optional graphics user interface or extra GUI tool
>>> Essentially, if it's an optional GUI, it'd be behind a USE=gui, instead
>>> of USE=gtk, USE=X, USE=qt4 or USE=qt5, when that optional GUI is
>>> available in only one toolkit version. So hence feature based flag, not
>>> dependency-based.
>> I know that it was previously mentioned that there was discussion about
>> this long ago, but I'm not familiar with those discussions. Is someone
>> more familiar with those discussions able to bring up the talking points?
>> One issue that springs to mind though is, let's say a pkg supports only
>> qt4 for a gui, you'd have the gui flag. Upstream adds qt5 support.  Do
>> you keep the gui flag and make qt4 and qt5 dependent on it, or do you
>> remove the gui flag?  I feel like the latter might lead to confusion,
>> while the former suggests that the flag should be used more generally
>> than just one toolkit/version being available.
> This would be the:
>>> There are some other things in the ideas pipeline for when there are
>>> multiple toolkit choices, but that's something for a different thread,
>>> a different day and more controversial.
> ...portion. :)
Ah :)


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