On June 1, 2016 7:29:55 AM PDT, Mart Raudsepp <l...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>So here's something more simple wrt GUI USE flags.
>Global USE=gui for
>gui - enable an optional graphics user interface or extra GUI tool
>(wording improvements welcome, once it's in principle agreed; but no
>point in bikeshed painting description wording till it is)
>Local USE flag description overrides to specify exactly what extra tool
>is built and installed with the flag are encouraged.
>This is meant to cover the cases where a package has an optional GUI,
>as a user facing graphical application, whichever the toolkit.
>It is meant as a feature based USE flag, as opposed to the "extra dep"
>based USE flags we've been using for this.
>There are a lot of those with USE=gtk right now. In many cases it's
>some little add-on graphical utility for a library, or some graphical
>configuration GUI in addition to command line, or some bigger cases in
>more modular packages that provide multiple frontends, and not all of
>them are graphical, but CLI or TUI (TUI meaning ncurses-based or
>Also there are various with USE=X where it's also about that, but X
>isn't the only way to do GUI these days (any gtk3 app that doesn't
>directly use libX11/libxcb/etc themselves natively supports wayland,
>for example).
>Essentially, if it's an optional GUI, it'd be behind a USE=gui, instead
>of USE=gtk, USE=X, USE=qt4 or USE=qt5, when that optional GUI is
>available in only one toolkit version. So hence feature based flag, not
>http://tinyurl.com/gtk-use was an old analysis of USE=gtk usage in tree
>by Gilles over a year ago. That suggests that at least 80+ USE flags
>should be then USE=gui instead of USE=gtk out of that analyzed USE=gtk
>subset alone, not counting USE=X and others.
>There are some other things in the ideas pipeline for when there are
>multiple toolkit choices, but that's something for a different thread,
>a different day and more controversial.

This idea is solid imo, but only in the case where there's a single (optional) 
GUI to use. We've discussed the finer points of this on IRC and, as you noted, 
the specifics need some more input and refinement, but in essence I like and 
support this idea.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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